3 Things We’re Excited About at the ACT Expo
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023
ITD Senior Fellow Kelly Fleming is on the ground in Anaheim, California, this week for the largest gathering of fleet operators, technology providers, policymakers, and clean energy advocates in the U.S.– the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, the Disneyland of transportation enthusiasts.
The ACT Expo is an annual conference that is focused on sustainable transportation opportunities and efforts targeting fleets. As covered in our recent report, Pathway to Net Zero Transportation in the U.S., while greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector remain a significant contributor to climate change, the heavy-duty vehicles sub-sector is prime for near-term action to reduce climate pollution.
Of all of the topics covered at the Expo this week, the ITD Team is most excited about:
- Sustainable Technologies for Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Truck Fleets
What will it take to slash carbon emissions from the millions of trucks transporting our nation’s goods and people? This topic is timely, as California officially voted to implement the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) rule, requiring all new truck sales to be zero emission by 2036.
At the ACT Expo, there is a focus on showcasing the latest advancements in sustainable technologies for heavy-duty trucks, such as electrified platforms and drive trains, charging infrastructure to support electric trucks, hydrogen trucks, and advanced clean fuel. There are at least nine workshops and 18 break-out sessions at the Expo dedicated to the discussion of clean tech and tactics. These technologies have the potential to reduce emissions and increase fuel efficiency while enabling lower operating and vehicle costs for businesses with commercial fleet vehicles.
- Decarbonization Policy and Regulatory Developments
To achieve a sustainable transportation sector, policy, and regulatory frameworks are crucial. The ACT Expo provides an opportunity for policymakers, researchers, and businesses to discuss the latest developments in regulations, decarbonization policy, and other initiatives promoting clean transportation. The ACF news and the forthcoming Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) clean trucks rule are historic policies in clean transportation. It’s a critical time to connect with other industry stakeholders at the Expo about the impact of heavy-duty vehicle policies on the transportation system writ large, including shipping industries, charging providers, utilities, fuel producers, and commercial fleets.
- Collaboration to Advance Clean Transportation Innovation
The U.S. transportation sector is enormous and, unfortunately, often siloed when it comes to determining the best course of action for successful decarbonization. That is why I am thrilled to represent the Institute for Transportation Decarbonization at the 2023 ACT Expo this week alongside countless other stakeholders in this space. The lineup includes commercial shipping giants, charging providers, and local lawmakers.
For more information on the 12th annual ACT Expo from May 1-4, see here.